Regional Director's Email
April 14, 2010
North Central News at the End of the 2009-2010 Show Season

Dr. Glen Newton Dr. Glen Newton,
North Central Regional Director

Fellow ACFA North Central Region Members,

As we approach the end of the 2009-2010 show season, I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to achieving ACFA’s goal. As stated on the home page of ACFA’s web site,,

“Our goal is to promote the welfare, education, knowledge and interest in all domesticated, purebred and non-purebred cats, to breeders, owners, exhibitors of cats and the general public.”

Here are a few thanks, reminders, and questions to help you finish this show year and begin the next one with renewed focus on our ACFA goal.

Upcoming North Central Shows: North Central Region is fortunate to have so many active clubs and enthusiastic members! We have four shows in the next six weeks, and I hope you’ll support all of them.

  • Gopher State Cat Club, Hopkins, MN: Tales of Hairy Paw-Ter, April 24-25. Entry Clerk Lyla Fauble has extended the entry deadline until the end of Friday, April 16.
  • Central Wisconsin Cat Club, Wausau, WI: Happy New Show Year – The Year of the Tiger, May 1-2. Closing date: April 24.
  • Cat Tales Cat Fanciers, Crystal, MN: The Great Minnesota Purr-Together, May 15-16. Closing date: May 9.
  • Central Wisconsin Cat Club, Eau Claire, WI (with significant help from members of the Chippewa Valley Cat Club, an unaffiliated club): Movie Star Cats, May 29-30. Closing date, May 17.

Reminders for Clubs:

  • The board approved an additional $1 surcharge for each cat entered in a show, effective at the beginning of the next show year. Don’t forget it when you’re setting your entry fees and planning your show budget. Refer to my March newsletter for more information.
  • Remember that a judge’s fees for checked baggage (and carry-on luggage for some airlines) are a legitimate part of the judge’s travel expense.
  • Turn in your show reports, because they form an important part of a judge's file.

Renewals: If you have not yet renewed your ACFA membership for 2010, I encourage you to renew and continue to support your association.

Bylaws Updates: 2010 is a Bylaws year, and your written proposals for changes to ACFA’s bylaws are due in Central Office by April 30, so if you have something for the board to consider, don’t delay! For more information, refer to my March newsletter or Article XVI: Amendments to ACFA Rules in the ACFA bylaws.

Regional Awards Banquet: Thanks to the Madison Cat Club for volunteering to host the North Central Region 2010 Awards Banquet! The banquet will be Saturday, July 10, in Stoughton, WI. Look for more information in the next few weeks.

Parade of Royalty: Thanks to North Central Region member Ray Benter for volunteering to edit the 2010 ACFA Parade of Royalty. The board has officially appointed Ray to this position, replacing Carol Barbee, who resigned after producing PORs from 1999 through 2009. Ray will soon be asking for your pictures of winning cats and others you want to honor in the POR; please give him your support by sending your pictures quickly.

Annual Meeting Question: What would you think of having the ACFA annual meetings without a show the next two days? This is an idea that has come up in an email discussion among board members. The annual meeting and award banquet might, for example, be followed by educational presentations and workshops, or we might extend the meetings to allow additional, more in-depth participation by ACFA members. Would you be more or less likely to attend an annual meeting without an associated cat show? Would your club be more or less likely to sponsor an annual in this revised format?

Making ACFA Shows More Fun Question: One of our senior judges said that when she tried ACFA after belonging to a different cat fancy, she decided to come on over to ACFA because it was more fun, and going to an ACFA cat show was like going to a party. Here are a few comments about what makes an ACFA show fun for some people:

  • There’s a feeling of camaraderie; exhibitors are friendly and supportive of one another.
  • The show committee cares that everybody was comfortable, and they make sure newcomers and people from out of the area are introduced to others.
  • People are happy for you when you win and don’t put you down when you don’t win.
  • The decorations are interesting and support the show theme, and the judges even dress to fit the theme.

Of course, these positives might not happen at all shows, but when they do, they go a long way to supporting our claim that ACFA is the friendly association. What makes ACFA’s shows fun for you? What advice would you like to pass on to show committees to help them plan and execute shows that live up to your expectations for a fun cat show?

Glen Newton
North Central Regional Director

Email me at or call me at 651-688-9504.